Work Experience
Managed AWS server infrastructure, including a PostgreSQL RDS. Instituted server-logging and server-swapping protocols to maintain high uptime. Used a React Native layer to build the UI for mobile apps, and a Device Specific Layer in native Swift/Android for a fast photo tag, compress, encrypt, upload pipline.
Trusted with implementing advanced features like context based notifications (for sharing reminders based on GPS, timezone change, etc), developing performant and creative image upload algorithms, photo object detection apis, MySQL for on device data persistence, and redesigning the app for Android (to make photo sharing instantaneous)
Conducted user experience trials to research where clients had misunderstandings in app controls. Used customer feedback and telemetry to develop UI layouts and app features that could increase user understanding and retention.
On a full-stack experimental apps team, built MSPaint for web, the Viva Video Learning app for Teams, and other apps using functional React, GraphQL and Typescript. Enforced app Unit Testing via Jest, and reorganized JS and CSS with modern design standards based in SOLID principles.
Used Azure to host a PostgreSQL database and a Server with GraphQL API endpoints. Also improved client app experience by implementing front-end caching and optimistic loading.
Ran user studies to justify developer time on potential customer needs. Added user telemetry, server logging, and experimental flighting gates for dashboards to visualize daily active users, and crash rates.
Independent Projects
Developing a sheet music reading app that works with the dimensions of any screen, and has modern features, like word wrap, and accessible features like large-font high-contrast SVG notes for low-vision and young learners. Powered by modern CSS, and vanilla JavaScript for interactive sheet music rendering across all web-enabled devices.
A calendar app for iPhone and Apple Watch Widgets, integrating URLSession and Codable for GitHub API data to display commit history, alongside EventKit and HealthKit for comprehensive appointment and fitness tracking directly on the watch face.
Integrated Metrolinx API with MapKit, employing an ObservableObject ViewModel and Codable for live data visualization on a map, featuring custom sheet views for station selection, and leveraging APN with Firebase for real-time notifications on train updates.
Software Developer at Citi
(Summer 2017)
Redeveloped Citi’s main trading application to a cross-platform system using an Angular front-end and LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL Python) back-end.
Java Software Developer at BlackBerry
(Aug 2015 – Aug 2016)
Developed system applications for BlackBerry’s Android devices using Java and Android Studio: Tips, Contacts and Music Player. Also, implemented low vision accessibility standards.